Aalto member of Scholars at Risk Finland section
SAR is an international network of more than 460 higher education institutions in 35 countries working to protect threatened scholars and promote academic freedom. Universities Finland UNIFI will act as the secretariat of the Finnish section.
“Universities Finland UNIFI shares with Scholars at Risk a belief in the crucial role of the university in advancing public discussion and reasoned debate. Finnish higher education institutions express their solidarity and support for colleagues in situations where public discussion, reasoned debate and academic freedom are repressed, and reaffirm their commitment to promoting the free exchange of ideas”, said Dr. Leena Wahlfors, Executive Director of UNIFI.
SAR coordinator at Aalto University is Mervi Rantanen, Senior Advisor, Global Engagement ([email protected]).
Representatives from Finnish universities convened in Vaasa to launch the Finnish section of Scholars at Risk (SAR). In the picture, representatives of all founding universities. In the middle holding the Memorandum of Understanding Sinead O'Gorman, SAR’s European Director, and to her right Leena Wahlfors, Executive Director of Universities Finland UNIFI.
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SAR information on aalto.fi (login required)
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