
Aalto Day One 2017–2018: Opening of the academic year

Aalto Day One
of the academic year 2017–2018


13.15–14.30  Opening of the academic year*, Kaleva, Dipoli, Otakaari 24
14.30–16.00  Reception and open doors at Dipoli
16.00–20.00  Aalto Party, Alvarin aukio *
* Registration needed (see down below)

The opening ceremony

Faculty, staff, and students of Aalto University are invited to celebrate the opening of the academic year on Friday 8 September 2017 at 13.15. The opening will be celebrated at the University’s new main building, Dipoli. 

You can also follow the opening of the academic year via a direct webcast which starts at 13.15. Link will be published at

Dress code in the ceremony only for the professors’ procession: dark suit with primary colors.

Bus transportation is available from Arabia campus to the ceremony at 12.10.


Professors' registration to the opening ceremony, DL 4.9 (Information about professor’s procession will be sent closer to the ceremony)

Students's registration to the opening ceremony, DL 4.9

Registration to the opening ceremony, DL 4.9
Registration to Aalto Party, DL 8.9

No registration needed for reception and Dipoli’s open doors.

Reception and open doors at Dipoli 

The recently finished renovation has restored this pearl of modern Finnish architecture to its former splendour. We welcome you to experience the new Dipoli together with the Aalto community.

Guided tours start at 14:30, no RSVP. The tours start from Käpy lobby.

Aalto Party

Aalto Party kicks off at 16:00 with the traditional tug of war between the Aalto management and the student union. As part of  the festival programme guilds and associations offer a wide range of activities and live performances. Faculty and staff will receive their VIP passes to Aalto Party in the internal mail.

Food trucks serves delicious food for the affordable price of 5 €. Please reserve the exact amount in cash. The Faculty Oasis is the place for faculty and staff to meet, enjoy jazzy music and relaxed atmosphere. Location: by the entrance to Otakaari 1X.

Further information:

The opening of the academic year ceremony
Minna Pajari, [email protected], 050 571 0526

Aalto Party
Tarja Peltoniemi, [email protected], 050 532 3817

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