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Student Guide
Mathematics (minor) (Bachelor level)
Basic information
Language of learning:
Target group:
Teacher in charge:
Administrative contact:
Organising department:
Quotas and restrictions:
Application process:
Content and structure of the minor
About the minor
Target group: All students in the schools of technology. Also other students of Aalto University interested in mathematics. The minor is intended for students who do not have Mathematics and Systems Sciences as their major.
This minor is designed for students willing to develop their general mathematical thinking and problem solving skills, and to learn mathematical and statistical methods that can be applied in science, technology, arts, and business.
Due to the wide range of possible applications for mathematics in different fields of technology, the student assembles an individual package of courses together with a professor of mathematics.
The courses are chosen mainly from the list below according to the student’s background, interests and needs. In addition, master’s level courses in mathematics (MS-E1***) can be included in the minor. It is also possible to choose some courses in statistics and systems sciences (MS-C2*** and MS-E2***).
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
MS-A00** |
Matriisilaskenta / Matrisräkning / Matrix algebra |
5 | Fi: I, II, III, / Sv: II / En: II |
MS-A01** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 1 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 1 / Differential and integral calculus 1 |
5 | Fi: I, II, IV / Sv: I / En: I |
MS-A02** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 2 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 2 / Differential and integral calculus 2 |
5 | Fi: I, III, IV, kesä / Sv: III / En: III |
MS-A03** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 3 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 3 / Differential and integral calculus 3 |
5 | Fi: I, IV / Sv: IV / En: IV |
MS-A040* |
Diskreetin matematiikan perusteet / Grundkurs i diskret matematik / Foundations of discrete mathematics |
5 | Fi: I / Sv: I / En: IV |
MS-A050* |
Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi / Grundkurs i sannolikhetskalkyl och statistik / First course in probability and statistics |
5 |
Fi: I, II, IV, summer / Sv: III / En: III |
MS-C1001 | Shapes in Action | 5 | I (2024-2025) |
MS-C1081 | Abstract Algebra | 5 | III |
MS-C1300 | Complex Analysis | 5 | II |
MS-C1342 | Linear algebra | 5 | V |
MS-C1350 | Partial Differential Equations | 5 | I-II |
MS-C1420 | Fourier-analyysi* | 5 | I |
MS-C1530 | Curves and surfaces | 5 | I (2025-2026) |
MS-C1541 | Metric Spaces | 5 | III |
MS-C1650 | Numerical analysis | 5 | V |
MS-C2105 | Introduction to Optimization | 5 | IV |
MS-C2111 | Stochastic Processes | 5 | II |
* Teaching language is Finnish.
By choosing the following three courses, the minor can be completed with an orientation in integrating mathematics with visual arts, design and architecture:
Code | Course name | ECTS | Period |
MS-C1001 | Shapes in Action | 5 | I (2024-2025) |
MS-E1000 | Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors: Mathematics Meets Art and Architecture D | 5–15 | III-IV (2024-2025) |
AXM-E0411 | Spatial Structures | 6 | I-II |
More information about this orientation can be found at
Previous curricula
Basic information
Code: SCI3033
Extent: 20–25 ECTS
Language of instruction: English Finnish
Level: Bachelor
Theme: Mathematics and research methods
Curriculum: 2022–2024
Target group: All Aalto students
Teacher in charge: Riikka Korte
Administrative contact: Suvi Saviniemi
Organising department: Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis
Prerequisites: No prerequisites.
Quotas and restrictions: No quotas or restrictions.
Application process: The minor is open for all students of Aalto University. (No separate call.)
Content and structure of the minor
Target group: All students in the schools of technology. Also other students of Aalto University interested in mathematics. The minor is intended for students who do not have Mathematics and Systems Sciences as their major.
Due to the wide range of possible applications for mathematics in different fields of technology, the student assembles an individual package of courses together with a professor of mathematics.
The courses are chosen mainly from the list below according to the student’s background, interests and needs. In addition, master’s level courses in mathematics (MS-E1***) can be included in the minor. It is also possible to choose some courses in statistics and systems sciences (MS-C2*** and MS-E2***).
Structure of the minor
Code | Course name | ECTS credits | Period |
MS-A00** |
Matriisilaskenta / Matrisräkning / Matrix algebra |
5 | Fi: I, II, III, / Sv: II / En: II |
MS-A01** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 1 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 1 / Differential and integral calculus 1 |
5 | Fi: I, II, IV / Sv: I / En: I |
MS-A02** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 2 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 2 / Differential and integral calculus 2 |
5 | Fi: I, III, IV, kesä / Sv: III / En: III |
MS-A03** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 3 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 3 / Differential and integral calculus 3 |
5 | Fi: I, IV / Sv: IV / En: IV |
MS-A040* |
Diskreetin matematiikan perusteet / Grundkurs i diskret matematik / Foundations of discrete mathematics |
5 | Fi: I / Sv: II / En: IV |
MS-A050* |
Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi / Grundkurs i sannolikhetskalkyl och statistik / First course in probability and statistics |
5 |
Fi: I, II, IV, kesä / Sv: III / En: III |
MS-C1001 | Shapes in Action | 5 | I |
MS-C1081 | Abstract Algebra | 5 | III |
MS-C1300 | Complex Analysis | 5 | II |
MS-C1342 | Linear Algebra | 5 | V |
MS-C1350 | Partial Differential Equations | 5 | I-II |
MS-C1420 | Fourier-analyysi | 5 | I |
MS-C1530 | Curves and Surfaces | 5 | I |
MS-C1541 | Metric Spaces | 5 | III |
MS-C1650 | Numerical Analysis | 5 | V |
By choosing the following three courses, the minor can be completed with an orientation in integrating mathematics with visual arts, design and architecture:
Code | Course name | ECTS credits | Period |
MS-C1001 | Shapes in Action | 5 | I |
MS-E1000 | Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors: Mathematics Meets Art and Architecture D | 5–15 | III-IV |
AXM-E0411 | Spatial Structures | 6 | I-II |
More information about this orientation can be found at
Basic information
Code: SCI3033
Extent: 20-25 op
Language: Finnish and English
Teacher in charge: Riikka Korte
Administrative contact: Johanna Bovellán
Target group: All students in the Schools of Technology. Also other students of Aalto University interested in mathematics. The minor is intended for students who do not have Mathematics and Systems Sciences as their major.
Application process: The minor is open for all students of Aalto University. (No separate call.)
Quotas and restrictions: No quotas or restrictions.
Prerequisites: No prerequisites.
Name of the minor in other languages: Matematiikka, Matematik
Content and structure of the minor
Due to the wide range of possible applications for mathematics in different fields of technology, the student assembles an individual package of courses together with a professor of mathematics.
The courses are chosen mainly from the list below according to the student’s background, interests and needs. In addition, master’s level courses in mathematics (MS-E1***) can be included in the minor. It is also possible to choose some courses in statistics and systems sciences (MS-C2*** and MS-E2***).
Structure of the minor
Code | Course name | ECTS credits | Period |
MS-A00** |
Matriisilaskenta / Matrisräkning / Matrix algebra |
5 | Fi: I, II, III, kesä / Sv: II / En: II |
MS-A01** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 1 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 1 / Differential and integral calculus 1 |
5 | Fi: I, II, IV / Sv: I / En: I |
MS-A02** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 2 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 2 / Differential and integral calculus 2 |
5 | Fi: I, III, IV, kesä / Sv: III / En: III |
MS-A03** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 3 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 3 / Differential and integral calculus 3 |
5 | Fi: I, IV / Sv: IV / En: IV |
MS-A040* |
Diskreetin matematiikan perusteet / Grundkurs i diskret matematik / Foundations of discrete mathematics |
5 | Fi: I / Sv: II / En: IV |
MS-A050* |
Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi / Grundkurs i sannolikhetskalkyl och statistik / First course in probability and statistics |
5 |
Fi: I, II, IV / Sv: III / En: III |
MS-C1001 | Shapes in action | 5 | I |
MS-C1081 | Abstract algebra | 5 | III |
MS-C1300 | Complex analysis | 5 | II |
MS-C1342 | Linear algebra | 5 | V |
MS-C1350 | Partial differential equations | 5 | I-II |
MS-C1420 | Fourier-analyysi | 5 | I |
MS-C1530 | Curves and surfaces | 5 | I |
MS-C1541 | Metric spaces | 5 | III |
MS-C1650 | Numerical analysis | 5 | V |
By choosing the following three courses, the minor can be completed with an orientation in integrating mathematics with visual arts, design and architecture:
Code | Course name | ECTS credits | Period |
MS-C1001 | Shapes in action | 5 | I |
MS-E1000 | Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors: Mathematics meets Art and Architecture | 5-15 | III-IV |
AXM-E0411 | Spatial structures | 5 | III-IV |
More information about this orientation can be found at
Basic information
Code: SCI3033
Extent: 20-25 op
Language: Finnish and English
Teacher in charge: Juha Kinnunen
Administrative contact: Johanna Bovellán
Target group: All students in the Schools of Technology. Also other students of Aalto University interested in mathematics. The minor is intended for students who do not have Mathematics and Systems Sciences as their major.
Application process: The minor is open for all students of Aalto University. (No separate call.)
Quotas and restrictions: No quotas or restrictions.
Prerequisites: No prerequisites.
Name of the minor in other languages: Matematiikka, Matematik
Content and structure of the minor
Due to the wide range of possible applications for mathematics in different fields of technology, the student assembles an individual package of courses together with a professor of mathematics.
The courses are chosen mainly from the list below according to the student’s background, interests and needs. In addition, master’s level courses in mathematics (MS-E1***) can be included in the minor. It is also possible to choose some courses in statistics and systems sciences (MS-C2*** and MS-E2***).
Structure of the minor
Code | Course name | ECTS credits | Period |
MS-A00** |
Matriisilaskenta / Matrisräkning / Matrix algebra |
5 | I, II, III / II / II |
MS-A01** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 1 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 1 / Differential and integral calculus 1 |
5 | I, II, IV / I / I |
MS-A02** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 2 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 2 / Differential and integral calculus 2 |
5 | I, III, IV / III / IV |
MS-A03** |
Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 3 / Differential- och integralkalkyl 3 / Differential and integral calculus 3 |
5 | I, IV / IV / V |
MS-A040* |
Diskreetin matematiikan perusteet / Grundkurs i diskret matematik / Foundations of discrete mathematics |
5 | I / II / IV |
MS-A050* |
Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi / Grundkurs i sannolikhetskalkyl och statistik / First course in probability and statistics |
5 |
I, II, IV / III / III |
MS-C1001 | Shapes in action | 5 | I |
MS-C1081 | Abstract algebra | 5 | III |
MS-C1300 | Kompleksianalyysi | 5 | II |
MS-C134* |
Lineaarialgebra / Linear algebra |
5 | V / I |
MS-C1350 | Partial differential equations | 5 | I-II |
MS-C142* |
Fourier-analyysi / Fourier analysis |
5 | I / IV |
MS-C1530 | Curves and surfaces | 5 | I |
MS-C1540 | Euklidiset avaruudet | 5 | III |
MS-C1650 | Numeerinen analyysi | 5 | V |
By choosing the following three courses, the minor can be completed with an orientation in integrating mathematics with visual arts, design and architecture:
Code | Course name | ECTS credits | Period |
MS-C1001 | Shapes in action | 5 | I |
MS-E1000 | Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors: Mathematics meets Art and Architecture | 5-15 | III-IV |
UWAS-C0014 | Spatial structures | 5 | III-IV |
More information about this orientation can be found at
Only available in Finnish.
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