Lifewide learning courses and programmes

Speech recognition

Course will address preprocessing and feature extraction for speech phoneme models, decoding, lexicon and language models, and recognition and retrieval of continuous speech.


Teaching time:



Information and communications technology

Form of learning:

Online On-campus


Aalto University, FITech




5 By Aalto University (ECTS)


€ 0.00

Application period:

1.6.2023 – 17.10.2023

Target group and prerequisites

Basic engineering mathematics and probability concept.

Course description

Course contents

  • Preprocessing and feature extraction for speech phoneme models
  • Decoding
  • Lexicon and language models
  • Recognition and retrieval of continuous speech

After completing the course you will have become familiar with speech recognition methods and applications. Additionally, you will have learned to understand the structure of a typical speech recognition system and to know how to construct one in practice.

Teaching schedule

Lectures in Otaniemi (voluntary): on Wednesdays at 10:15–12:00 and Thursdays at 10:15–12:00. If you are unable to attend the classes, you can ask the material from the teacher.

Completion methods

Homework assignments and group work. Compulsory group work presentation and final report. No exam.

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