
This page collects all events. Please click the link below for the university's highlighted news and events together with other interesting current contents

News and events webpage

Public defences

Micronova. Photo: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto University

Get to know semiconductor industry in Finland! Welcome to pop-up event!

Come and get to know heavily growing semiconductor industry and companies in Finland. When you know semiconductor industry better you will get more out of your future studies and build relationships that support your career.
 Two students studying at the Ekonominaukio 1 building.
Lectures and seminars

Building Technology Master's Thesis Seminar 3/2024

4/2024 Featuring presentations of master's thesis from the Master's Programme in Building Technology
Cow hide.
Lectures and seminars

Embrace the Future – A Responsible Multispecies Leadership Agenda

Is it possible to apply multi-species and biodiversity-respecting approaches to the development of leadership and business practice? The answer is yes! These novel approaches to management studies enhance the holistic well-being of both human and non-human beings and are worthy of further exploration.
Läheltä kuvattu LED-valoveistosta, jossa liikkuu monivärinen tekoälyn tuottama runo.
Campus, Exhibitions, Other

Cooler Planet: Guided public art tour 18.9.

Join the tour with art curator Outi Turpeinen and get to know Aalto University's public art collections in the Marsio, Kide, and Viima buildings in more detail.
Researcher looking at a reserch device.

News and events

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