
Workplace diversity and inclusion - Making Waves Thu 16/5/2024

What factors contribute to employee inclusion in the workplace? Employee inclusion can create a positive work environment, increase creativity and job performance, improve employee well-being, and help the organization succeed. Post-doctoral researcher Daria Kautto and doctoral researcher Hilla Back will share preliminary findings from a large study on workplace diversity and inclusion conducted at Aalto University.
Workplace diversity and inclusion

Workplace diversity and inclusion

What factors contribute to employee inclusion in the workplace? Employee inclusion can create a positive work environment, increase creativity and job performance, improve employee well-being, and help the organization succeed. Post-doctoral researcher Daria Kautto and doctoral researcher Hilla Back will share preliminary findings from a large study on workplace diversity and inclusion conducted at Aalto University. Over 1000 Aalto employees from all Schools and University units participated in the study in the summer of 2023. The study examined the antecedents and outcomes of employee inclusion, focusing on the subjective perception of inclusion among Aalto employees with diverse characteristics. The intersection of multiple diversity characteristics, as well as the moderating effect of leadership (leader-member exchange) were also addressed.  

The research team:

Prof. Marjo-Riitta Diehl is Associate Professor at the Department of Management Studies, School of Business. Her research interests include the employment relationship, psychological contracts, organizational justice, and social exchange theory.

Hilla Back is a doctoral researcher at the Department of Management Studies, School of Business. Her research interests include equality, diversity, & inclusion in multilingual organizations, especially regarding language diversity and the experiences of skilled migrants.

Seonyoung Hwang is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Royal Holloway, University of London, in the UK. Her research interests include various EDI topics (particularly focusing on gender, ethnicity, and intersectionality), the work-life interface, meaningful work, and sustainable careers. 

Daria Kautto is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Management Studies, School of Business. Her research interests include social impact of skilled migration, entrepreneurship migration policy, and individual cognition in entrepreneurship decision-making.  


Free refreshments are served. Please register at this link so we can make sure that there is enough food and seats for everyone.


  • 14:00-14:15 Tea/Coffee and vegan muffins

  • 14:15-14:50 Talk by post-doctoral researcher Daria Kautto and doctoral researcher Hilla Back

  • 14:50-15:30 Questions and discussion

For any questions about the event, please contact Enrico Glerean. The venue is accessible, and if you need further assistance related to accessibility please get in touch. We follow the Aalto Code of Conduct.

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