
What Research Group Leaders Need to Know About Software Work

As a group leader, what do you need to know to get the most from your group's data and software? How do you get the most long-term benefit from the work your group does?
What Research Group Leaders Need to Know About Software Work


In this presentation, we will discuss best practices for managing computational and data-based research at Aalto (though the lessons are equally applicable to other universities). You will learn about the tools and services that are available, and more importantly how they are usually used. You will learn enough to get started and lead your group, and where to point them for more info.

Topics will include data storage, tools for managing code, collaboration platforms, relevant university services, courses, and best practices for different fields and types of work.

Who can participate?

The webinar is aimed at staff and students who want to improve their computational and data-based research. Some presented solutions may be specific to Aalto University, but the principles can be applied anywhere. The webinar is free and open to all.

Learning outcomes

  • Best practices for managing computational and data-based research at Aalto


A one-hour webinar including a live Q&A discussion.

Schedule and location

The training will be held online via Zoom on November 15, at 2–3 PM Eastern European Time (EET).


Dr. Richard Darst, Data Agent, Staff Scientist, School of Science, Aalto University
& the Aalto Scientific Computing team (Aalto SCIcomp)

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