
Visiting lecture: Financialization of housing - On investment apartments and their promotional staging in Vienna

In many European cities, more and more housing is being built for investors and not for users. Using Vienna as an example, Anita Aigner, Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at TU Wien, addresses the global trend of the financialization of housing in her lecture. She will present her cultural sociological research on the construction of a 'financialized' rental investment product and– particularly exciting for architects – the aesthetic practices of promotional staging of investment-driven housing projects.

The lecture is held Monday 30.5, at 16.00, Hall A215 (Otakaari 1X, A-wing)

Anita Aigner is Associate Professor at Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien. Her research has focused on Critical Heritage and Housing Studies. She teaches design and model building and architecture sociology. The lecture is part of prof. Aigner´s Erasmus Staff-Exchange at the Department of Architecture at Aalto.

Warmly welcome!

Johanna Lilius
Senior Scientist
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Department of Architecture
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