
Users and interaction -course exhibition

An exhibition of the Users and Interaction -course for first-year bachelor’s students in design will be held in Väre’s FE-Lobby. Students of the course have found problems experienced by users through user study and designed prototype solutions to answer them. The 3D -modeled and -printed prototypes are inspired by the course’s customer, Plastex, which manufactures finnish plastic products, and to fit thematically into their product catalog.

Käyttäjät ja vuorovaikutus pilvi
Käyttäjät ja vuorovaikutus pilvi

Exhibition is in FE-lobby

Course: MUO-C3027 Käyttäjät ja vuorovaikutus
Responsible teacher: Antti Salovaara
Course assistants: Saulus Puukko & Anni Vilkko
Illustration: Saulus Puukko

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