
Unfolding Tomorrow — Quality education, quality future

Join this Unfolding Tomorrow event to learn how quality education and entrepreneurial skills can help us reach the SDGs and how you can play your part in it!
A futuristic black-and-white banner with neon yellow details. In an experimental font, a black text says "Unfolding Tomorrow". At the top are the logos of Aalto University, Aalto Ventures Program and Aaltoes.

The future is uncertain and often impossible to see into. Instead of predicting the future, we should build it to be better than the present. We believe the best builders are people who think and work like entrepreneurs — people who act fast, take ownership and see problems as opportunities.

By providing more people with the skills and mindset to make a positive change and build a better future, we can stop trying to predict what’s going to happen — because we can make it happen.

At Aalto University, we believe in solving problems related to sustainability through entrepreneurship, facing problems rather than pretending they don’t exist, and educating ourselves rather than using the lack of knowledge as an excuse. And we believe in you.

Unfolding Tomorrow is an event series that brings the brightest minds in business, academia, and government together to talk about what we can do today to make tomorrow better. The event topics come from the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets and indicators.

This Unfolding Tomorrow session is about SDG 4: ‘Quality education’ and specifically about Target 4.4: ‘By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship.’

We’re joined by experts from politics, academics, and business for brief introductory talks followed by a panel discussion.

You’ll hear about the importance of education from different perspectives, learn about the actions and strategy of Aalto University, and get a better understanding of the education policies and decisions in Finland.

Stay tuned for more information and speaker introductions on the event page!

The Unfolding Tomorrow event series is organized together by Aalto Ventures Program and Aaltoes.

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