
Special student event - YLE Elections 2021 project kickoff

Welcome to a special kick-off event for YLE 2021 Elections project on Wednesday December 11th!

Department of Media has been developing a cooperation with Finnish State Broadcasting Company (YLE) over the last year which is aimed at some of our department’s courses during Spring 2020, led by Teemu Leinonen, Rupesh Vyas and Annakaisa Kultima (See the attached posters)

The basic themes of the collaboration are Media Design and Production related to the thematic of Elections, Democracy and Voting. The project aims to target persons in the 18-25 age group and Media concepts will be developed with support from YLE experts with the aim that some of these can be incorporated into YLE’s programming during the Spring 2021 elections. As an addition to the project we are also negotiating several 3-month internships for some of the students of these courses at YLE.

The kickoff event involves three media experts who will give introductory talks re. current day challenges with democracy and election processes within Media. 

Our special guests are:

Yle Kioski’s Producer  - Peter Westerholm  

Head of YLE News Lab  - Jukka Niva

Tero Koskinen, Senior Adviser, Media Resilience, FINNMEDIA (Finnish Media Union)

There will also be introductions of the Spring 2020 courses and a panel discussion with good chance to discuss with our guests. 

If you are a fan of Democracy then please come to the event! And please tell your classmates too.


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