
Sites & software: Solving optimisation challenges for EV charging networks

Energy Modelling Series | Seminar 3/2021
This series looks at the different aspects of modelling for energy systems, through technical modelling, analysis, and building of systems.
Energy Modelling Series

Energy Modelling Series | Seminar 3/2021

Sites & software: Solving optimisation challenges for electric vehicle (EV) charging networks


Prof Kari Tammi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University
Dr Sanchari Deb, ERCIM fellow, VTT
Dr Andrey Khurri, Technical Sales Lead, Fortum Charge & Drive and Plugsurfing

In this event we will consider several optimization challenges associated with the implementation of EV charging; focusing on how to physically site EV charging networks and to provide appropriate software as a service (SaaS) solutions for their operation. Prof Kari Tammi from Aalto University will introduce the event, summarizing Aalto’s work in the field of transport electrification. We will then move to our two distinguished guest speakers. Dr. Sanchari Deb from VTT will overview her innovative research in the field of how to locate and operate EV charging networks with respect to a range of key factors. Then Dr. Andrey Khurri from Fortum will outline some of the challenges faced when developing a SaaS digital platform  for the operation of charging networks and provision of charging services to EV drivers, whilst taking account of the varying requirements and needs of different markets. This event will therefore cover some of the key aspects concerning implementation and operation of optimal EV charging networks, giving insights from both academia and industry. It should be of interest to all stakeholders interested in transport electrification! 

This event is part of the Energy Modelling event series organized by Aalto Networking Platform

This event is held in Zoom, please register here.

This event is the third of Aalto Networking Platform's monthly energy modelling seminar series in 2021.

How can energy modelling drive the sustainable energy transition?

How can we create models of future energy systems that can be used by policymakers, industry and societal stakeholders? How can we best design modelling exercises to steer the sustainable energy transition?

This series aims to look at the different aspects of modelling for energy systems, through technical modelling, analysis, and building of systems. The seminars will bring together guest speakers from industry with Aalto researchers to tackle these questions. Each event in the series will treat a discrete field of modelling.

Energy Modelling Seminar Series

How can energy modelling drive the sustainable energy transition? This series looks at aspects of modelling for energy systems, through technical modelling, analysis, and building of systems.

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Aalto Networking Platform

The Aalto Networking Platform brings together research expertise across departments, supporting collaboration both inside and outside of Aalto.

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Networking at Aalto
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