
Shaping a sustainable future for asphalt pavements workshop

This Workshop 2 aims to provide a globalview on the ongoing cutting-edge research in road and pavement engineering toward sustainability and resiliency, also with a perspective in the future technology.

The  event  includes  seven presentations  from  different  countries,  research  viewpoints,  and  institutions,  making  it scientifically, geographically, and contextually inclusive and diverse.

Join the event via this Zoom link

The footprint of the transportation sector on the environment, economy, and society has become an integral part of developing new policies and strategies to promote a sustainable future for these essential infrastructures.

More specifically, this consideration is also valid for asphalt pavements. The construction, operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation process of roads is highly energy demanding and requires enormous natural and non-renewable resources. Such a situation solicits prompt action from academia, industry, and transportation authorities to develop innovative analysis methods, novel materials, advanced design solutions, and revolutionary construction technology.

Please see the program booklet (pdf) for more detailed information

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