
Quantum Art Jam

Artists and quantum physicists combine forces in the Quantum Art Jam, creating new ways to experience the quantum world. Join us on Friday, March 17 at the Oodi Library!

Quantum physics was discovered over 100 years ago, and since then, it has challenged our view of what reality is and could be. Similarly, its technological applications such as quantum computers and sensors are expected to upend our understanding of what technology is capable of. For artists, the quantum world is both an inspiration and a challenge – what could quantum art look like?

For three days in Helsinki, artists and quantum physicists combine forces in the Quantum Art Jam! The aim is to think about and conceptualize quantum physics in new ways.

The mind-bending results will be presented to the public at Oodi Library’s Maijansali on Friday, March 17 from 4 pm to 6 pm. Anyone interested in the quantum world, the possibilities of art, or the intersection of art and science is sure to find the Quantum Art Jam fascinating and informative.


15:00 Welcome words
15:10 “Quantum mechanics & why scientists need learning the pleasure of thinking" - a talk by Professor Paola Verrucchi
16:00 Artists and scientists present the results of their work
16:45 Concluding remarks
17:00 Event ends

Artists participating in the Quantum Art Jam include

John Brauer, product designer
Sibel Kantola, illustrator
Simone Ulivieri, project architect
Sirkku Ketola, contemporary printmaker

Quantum Art Jam is organised by QPlayLearn and InstituteQ, the Finnish quantum community formed by Aalto University, the University of Helsinki, and VTT. The event is free to attend and requires no registration.

More information:

Caterina Foti

Postdoctoral Researcher
White InstituteQ logo on dark background

InstituteQ - The Finnish Quantum Institute (external link)

InstituteQ coordinates quantum research, education, and business in Finland

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