
Public defence in Processing of Materials, Dipl. –Ing. Anna Vanderbruggen

The title of the doctoral thesis is: Lithium-ion batteries recycling with froth flotation – A study on characterization and liberation strategies
Aalto-yliopisto / tohtoreiden hatut

Dipl. –Ing. Anna Vanderbruggen will defend the doctoral thesis "Lithium-ion batteries recycling with froth flotation – A study on characterization and liberation strategies” on 22 November 2022 at 13 in Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering.

Opponent: Dr. Pablo Brito-Parada, Imperial College London, United-Kingdom
Custos: Professor Rodrigo Serna-Guerrero, Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering

Thesis is available at the publication archive Aaltodoc.
The public defense will be organized in a hybrid-mode in the lecture hall E, Otakaari 1, and via remote technology in Zoom quick guide

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