
Public defence in Contemporary Art, Dipl.Des. Gloria Lauterbach

The Open Seam
On Becoming a Knot with a Storm-sculpted Roof, on Speaking-with from Within
Kreutzstrasse, 2018, public artwork, Otaniemi campus Artistic component of doctoral thesis, titled The Open Seam - On Becoming a Knot with a Storm-sculpted Roof, on Speaking-with from Within by visual artist and artistic researcher Gloria Felicia Lauterbach
Source: Gloria Felicia Lauterbach

Dipl.Des. Gloria Lauterbach will defend the thesis "The Open Seam - On Becoming a Knot with a Storm-sculpted Roof, on Speaking-with from Within" on 23 September at 12:00 in Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art and Media, in lecture hall E, Otakaari 1, Espoo, and online in Zoom.

Opponent: Prof. Marietta Radomska, Linköping University, Sweden
Custos: Prof. Bassam El Baroni, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art and Media

The public defence will be organized via remote technology. Follow defence:
Zoom Quick Guide:

Thesis available for public display at:
Doctoral theses in the School of Arts, Design and Architecture:

Public defence announcement:

The central notion under exploration in this thesis in the field of artistic research is the cooperation of materials.

Considering the current time of crises, the study highlights the urgency of re-envisioning the cooperative space in-between ‘one’ and ‘other’. In this thesis, it is the notion of “a waiting towards and giving room” as voiced by dialogical philosopher Martin Buber, the art-making of Finnish sculptress Eila Hiltunen, the craft and anecdotes of the artist-researcher’s own grandfather, as well as the post-anthropocentric concepts of Rosi Braidotti, that invigorate a practice of re-envisioning the in-between.

As a site where a shared process of weathering takes place - the artistic component of the doctoral thesis, a sculpture in the form of a storm-sculpted roof based on an actual meteorological event - provides the means for practicing and examining the exchange of agency between the artist-researcher herself, an atmospheric condition and copper as the working material. The practice-based methods applied in this thesis – knotting, twining, rehearsing and speaking-with – enable vital bonds between multi-sidedness and multiple temporalities, paving the way for dialogue between various generations, material visions and agents.

The thesis contributes to the rethinking of existing material visions. This requires, it claims, a recontextualization of approaches to material that took place in the past. It is these notions from the past, unseen, that allow, once excavated, a revival of contemporary notions to regenerate for future applications.

In conclusion, the thesis proposes three moments towards a vital material cooperation.

1) Through the methods of knotting and twining a new encounter takes place that counterbalances the density and inertia of material composition. This first moment requires a thinking in a long line and through circular movements.

2) Through rehearsing this new encounter ongoingly, a new memory forms which is called a touchstone in this thesis.

3) Through speaking-with the cooperating materials in the temporary space, the materials unfold to jointly and actively weather. In this last moment, the space of ‘one’ and ‘other’ becomes a space of the in-between, a space of many. Rather than focusing on knowing and learning, this space foregrounds transformation, experimentation, care and desire.

Contact information of doctoral candidate:


[email protected]



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