
Pollinator's delight: a participatory art piece from textile waste promoting biodiversity

In The Aalto University Junior’s project, textile waste is turned into a collective art piece representing the importance of the meadows.
Lähikuva käsistä, jotka kiinnittävät kankaasta tehtyjä kukkia kanaverkkoon
Making of the community art piece Photo: Olli Silvennoinen / Aalto University Junior
Ihmisiä musiikkikonserttilavan edessä
Pollinator's Delight workshop at the World Village festival. Photo: Greta Salonen

A Fabric meadow made of textile waste

Yellowtail, daisy, strawberry and cat bell - stunning flowers attracts pollinators with their colors and scents. The meadows are beautiful, but also essential for pollinators. 

In Aalto University Junior’s project, textile waste is turned into a collective artwork representing the importance of the meadows. The collaborative art piece has been made at the festivals in Helsinki during the summer. Hundreds of people have participated in the workshops at the World Village festival and the Night of Art event. Hands-on working has evolved great discussions about the lifecycle of clothes and biodiversity loss. Together individual plants, made by the participants, form a huge fabric meadow.

Textile flowers on the wall
Detail of the art installation. Photo: Greta Salonen

Taking part to the collective art piece

Pollinator's Delight is exhibited at Väre V1 Gallery. Visitors can take part in the installation at the gallery independently by making their own fabric flowers. Meadow plants are made of textile waste by cutting, knotting, glueing and sewing. All the necessary materials and instructions can be found at the gallery space. 

The used textile waste is donated from Kierrätyskeskus. Waste consists of used clothes that are no longer suitable for sale.


 Greta Salonen

Greta Salonen

Coordinator of communications and events at Aalto Junior
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