Photoshoot day for materials samples: 12.02.2020
Materials Platform is organizing its annual photography event to support researchers in their application process. The event is meant for materials researchers who need quality photographs of their materials samples to support their research proposal, presentation, or article.
Room 228 (Lastu)
Registration period:
Event language(s)
What we photograph:
- A researcher can bring a starting material, end-product, waste, research samples...whatever helps to communicate the work or proposal.
- The photographed sample should be safe enough to handle in normal laboratory conditions, as we don’t have any special protection on the spot.
- Material samples should be bigger than a 10-cent coin and up to A5 paper size due to the equipment constraints.
Before the photoshoot:
- Registration is compulsory
- Bring the equipment that you need to handle the sample with you (tweezers, glass or ceramic plates, support elements, etc.);
- Some material samples can be tricky to photograph (matt/glance/deep black/white /almost transparent). If your sample shares some of those properties, please get in touch with us beforehand;
- Prepare the sample to be photographed (i.e., take care of unwanted dust and fingerprints);
- It helps a lot if you come with concrete ideas for the photoshoot! Please think about how your sample should be photographed: What are the important details or features you would like to show. Is it a color? Or a reflection? Maybe the shape or arrangement of a few samples together? What is the story the photograph should interpret for the viewer?
At the photoshoot:
- The time-slot for one researcher/set of samples is 25 minutes. In order to maintain the schedule, please be on time;
- At the photoshoot session, you will be asked to fill a short form;
- We might ask to assist you during the time slot and ask about the project to figure out the best shot together.
After the photoshoot:
- Please expect to get your photos around the 24th of February 2020;
- We'll deliver about 5-7 photos per one time-slot;
- As part of the service, we will ask you to fill the short feedback survey after you'll get your photos. This will help us to understand how to make the service better next time and be attentive to the researchers’ needs.
- If you cannot participate this time, please let us know by sending an email to the organizer.
In case of questions, please get in touch:
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