
Orientation to Student Services and Wellbeing

Lecture for new students: Orientation to Student Services and Wellbeing, Introduction of Language Center and Professor Esa Saarinen's Inspiration lecture.

Welcome to Aalto University!

Orientation to Student Services and Wellbeing presents you the services that Aalto provides to support your study wellbeing and study ability. We hope you find this material useful during your studies! The lecture is targeted to students who started their studies on January 2021.

Orientation to student services and wellbeing will be held in Webinar. The link to the Webinar will be sent separately via email. If needed, you can be in contact to your School Learning Services. In the webinar, the service videos are viewed together, and there is an opportunity to ask questions through the chat. Webinar program:

1) Welcome words from Vice President in Education, Petri Suomala

2) Where to find support to maintain your study wellbeing? You find the video below. Topics:

  • Beginning your studies and getting into Aalto community under exceptional circumstances
  • Self-leadership and time management
  • Challenges and tips for remote studying
  • Starting Point of Wellbeing

More information from different wellbeing service providers:

Please see also:

Individual study arrangements

Study skills

3) Introduction of Language Center: Celebrating Diversity. You find the video below.

4) Learning center - Library and Information Services: Mari Lankinen. You find the presentation in pdf-mode below the videos.

5) Aalto IT-Services: Jaakko Salonen. You find the presentation in pdf-mode below the videos.

In addition, after the webinar, the student can watch the following lecture independently:

6) Professor, philosopher Esa Saarinen's Inspiration lecture. The video is below.

For Aalto Exchange students

More information and feedback

Sanna Lumikko


Merita Petäjä

Project Manager
  • Published:
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