
Open Educational Resources: Circular Textiles and Introduction to Speech Processing Research, Oct 26, 2023

In this webinar, the audience will learn about two Open Educational Resources published by Aalto University researchers.
Title: Open Educational Resources. Subtitle: Circular Textiles & Introduction to Speech Processing Research. Pictures of Dr. Tom Backström and Dr. Natalia Moreira. (NEW)


Open Educational Resources movement is rooted in accessible high-quality education and enables systematic change in teaching and learning content ( In this webinar, the audience will learn about two Open Educational Resources published by Aalto University researchers.

  • Circular Textiles ( Dr. Natalia Moreira from Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture will present about Circular Textiles, which is a platform to broaden circular knowledge and close industrial loops in the textile industry.
  • Introduction to Speech Processing Research ( Dr. Tom Bäckström from Aalto School of Electrical Engineering will present about Introduction to Speech Processing, which is an open collection of pedagogical material within the topic of speech and language technology.

Besides learning about the focus and scope of the above initiatives, the audience gets to learn about the experiences of Dr. Moreira and Dr. Bäckström when creating and maintaining these open educational resources.

Who can participate?

The webinar is aimed at staff and students who are interested in Open Educational Resources. No prior knowledge is required. Some information covered in the session, such as details of Aalto’s services, may be relevant only to those working at Aalto. The webinar is free and open to all.

Learning outcomes

  1. Learn about Circular Textiles and Introduction to Speech Processing OERs
  2. Learn about Dr. Moreira’s and Dr. Bäckström’s experiences when creating and maintaining these OERs
  3. Learn about Dr. Moreira’s and Dr. Bäckström’s needs and wishes regarding how universities’ research services could support the development of OERs


The session consists of two presentations followed by a Q&A.

Schedule and location

The training will be held online via Zoom on October 26, 2023, at 1.00-2.30 PM Eastern European Time (EET).


Dr. Natalia Moreira,Postdoc Researcher, School of Arts, Architecture and Design, Aalto University,[email protected]
Dr. Tom Bäckström, Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University, [email protected]

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