Northern Dimension Future Forum 2020: Curbing Black Carbon Emissions in the Northern Dimension Area
The Northern Dimension Institute organizes an annual Future Forum that gathers experts, decision makers and stakeholders to exchange information on topics of relevance for the ND thematic partnerships: environment, health and social wellbeing, transportation and logistics, and culture.
This year’s first ND Future Forum takes place online.
Curbing Black Carbon Emissions in the Northern Dimension Area on Tuesday, November 24
The Future Forum event consists of two sessions, each of which includes a keynote presentation and a commentary panel.
Session 1: Strategies to reduce the environmental impact of black carbon emissions
Keynote presentation 'The multiple pathways needed to reduce emissions of black carbon affecting the Arctic' by Dr. Mikael Hildén, Director, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), the EU-funded Action on Black Carbon, followed by an international commentary panel.
Session 2: Health effects of black carbon emissions and ways of reducing them
Keynote presentation 'Health effects of black carbon in the Northern Dimension area' by Dr. Raimo O. Salonen, Chief Medical Officer, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), followed by an international commentary panel.
Download the preliminary programme (pdf) here >
The Future Forum is free of charge and open to everyone. Deadline for the registration is November 17, 2020. Please register as soon as possible due to the limited number of places available (see the registration link above).
We warmly welcome you to the Future Forum 2020!
Follow the ND website, Facebook and Twitter for further information about speaker lineup:
ND website:
Twitter: @ND_Institute
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