
Näytös24 & Näyttely24

We warmly welcome you to follow the stream from Aalto Fashion students' graduate show Näytös24 and exhibition Näyttely24.
Aalto Fashion / Näytös24, invitation

This spring the show will be held live on Thursday 30 May at 8 pm (EET) in Aalto University’s High Voltage Hall. The new event Näyttely24, showing more collections, will open the same day.

The event brings together students, staff and guests to celebrate the graduate collections. The prize-winning works selected by our partners will be announced at the event and displayed in the exhibition afterwards.

Time: 30 May at 8 pm (EET)

Join us and follow the stream from the event on the website:

For more information: 

Aalto Fashion students’ Instagram account: @aalto_fashion 

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