
Modelling for Sector Coupling

Energy Modelling Series | Seminar 1/21
This series looks at the different aspects of modelling for energy systems, through technical modelling, analysis, and building of systems.
Electricity by Tjflex2 on flickr

Modelling for Sector Coupling
Optimising and developing applications of sector coupling technologies for a zero-carbon energy future

Energy Modelling Series | Seminar 1/21

Yuri Kroyan | Aalto University
Kristo Helin | Gasgrid Finland
Fabricio Oliviera | Aalto University

This event will look at some of the questions concerning modelling and optimisation of sector coupling. In identifying the opportunities to connect the power, heat and transportation sectors, this event will focus on some of the most innovative technological developments in the field.  The panelists will outline a number of examples, including power to heat, power to gas and heat to X.

The event will bring together two speakers from academia and industry. Yuri Kroyan from Aalto University will give an overview of sector coupling technologies as applicable to different industry sectors in Finland.  Kristo Helin from Gasgrid Finland will focus on sector coupling between power and gas, considering synthetic gases and hydrogen.

This event should be of strong interest to those interested in modelling approaches encompassing the interactions and synergies between different energy sectors.  It will be of relevance to those both already working on sector coupling but also to those focused on a single energy sector and interested in the potential integration with other sectors. 

The seminar will provide ample opportunity for Q&A with the speakers, and to discuss the topic more broadly with the audience.

This event will be held as a Zoom webinar.Register here.

This event is the first of Aalto Networking Platform's monthly energy modelling seminar series in 2021.

How can energy modelling drive the sustainable energy transition?

How can we create models of future energy systems that can be used by policymakers, industry and societal stakeholders? How can we best design modelling exercises to steer the sustainable energy transition?

This series aims to look at the different aspects of modelling for energy systems, through technical modelling, analysis, and building of systems. The seminars will bring together guest speakers from industry with Aalto researchers to tackle these questions.  Each event in the series will treat a discrete field of modelling.

Energy Modelling Seminar Series

How can energy modelling drive the sustainable energy transition? This series looks at aspects of modelling for energy systems, through technical modelling, analysis, and building of systems.

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Electricity by Tjflex2 on flickr

Aalto Networking Platform

The Aalto Networking Platform brings together research expertise across departments, supporting collaboration both inside and outside of Aalto.

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Networking at Aalto
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