
Modelling for Heat Pumps

Energy Modelling Series | Seminar 2/21
This series looks at the different aspects of modelling for energy systems, through technical modelling, analysis, and building of systems.
Energy Modelling Series

Modelling for Heat Pumps 

Innovative approaches for decarbonizing heat 

Energy Modelling Series | Seminar 2/21

Jussi Hirvonen | SULPU – Finnish Heat Pump Association
Kreetta Manninen | Ramboll 
Janne Hirvonen | Aalto University 
Fabricio Oliveira | Aalto University

This event will look at leading-edge opportunities for the application of heat pumps and the analytical questions in understanding the effects of their deployment on different scales.  Jussi Hirvonen will begin by providing an overview of the heat pump sector in Finland and future growth prospects.  Then, starting from the city scale, Kreetta Manninen will describe the award-winning “Hot Heart” solution to the Helsinki Energy Challenge.  Developed by a broad international consortium, this exciting concept features seawater heat pumps linked to thermal energy storage, with artificial tropical islands built upon the storage silos.  Then moving to the building scale, Janne Hirvonen will provide an insight into innovative applications of heat pumps in building renovations.  This event will therefore inform on the future prospects for heat pumps and complementary technologies to decarbonize heat, across the entire spectrum from country to city to building level.  

This event should be of strong interest to those interested in the overall field of low carbon heat from perspectives of technology deployment, new concepts and analysis of outcomes.   

The seminar will provide ample opportunity for Q&A with the speakers, and to discuss the topic more broadly with the audience. 

This event will be held as a Zoom webinar. Register here.

This event is the second of Aalto Networking Platform's monthly energy modelling seminar series in 2021.

How can energy modelling drive the sustainable energy transition?

How can we create models of future energy systems that can be used by policymakers, industry and societal stakeholders? How can we best design modelling exercises to steer the sustainable energy transition?

This series aims to look at the different aspects of modelling for energy systems, through technical modelling, analysis, and building of systems. The seminars will bring together guest speakers from industry with Aalto researchers to tackle these questions. Each event in the series will treat a discrete field of modelling.

Energy Modelling Seminar Series

How can energy modelling drive the sustainable energy transition? This series looks at aspects of modelling for energy systems, through technical modelling, analysis, and building of systems.

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Aalto Networking Platform

The Aalto Networking Platform brings together research expertise across departments, supporting collaboration both inside and outside of Aalto.

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