
Makers of Landscapes - Viewpoints on landscape architecture

Landscape architecture is a multidisciplinary field, combining architecture, natural sciences and technology, and it has many solutions to climate change, such as sustainable landscape construction, stormwater management and green infrastructure.
people sitting and walking around in a park in summery sunset

Landscape architects shape the landscape. They create places and environments that we use every day in cities, parks, squares, streets and residential areas. Landscape architecture is a multidisciplinary field, combining architecture, natural sciences and technology. It is more than important at the present time of global challenges and the need of sustainable solutions.

The work of a landscape architect is guided by various social, political and ecological motives. Public outdoor spaces embody freedom and justice: squares, streets and parks are places where it is possible to spend time and gather. As the climate is changing and cities are becoming even denser, invigorating vegetation and vibrant green networks are increasingly more important. The scarcity of natural resources and environmental challenges make even a small park plan part of a larger whole. As our environment is changing rapidly, landscape architecture is often described as the field of the future. 

This exhibition project is based on a book Maiseman tekijät (‘Makers of Landscapes’) published by Aalto ARTS Books. The book presents landscape architects and their work - a selection of them are presented in the exhibition.

The exhibition project and connected seminar draws interest to landscape architecture and its possibilities. Landscape Architecture is a field that can solve many issues of the climate change and adaptation to it: Sustainable landscape construction, storm water management, green infrastructure.

The exhibition is a joint project between the Museum of Finnish Architecture, Aalto University’s degree programme in landscape architecture and the Finnish Association of Landscape Architects MARK. Lappset Group Ltd. and Viherympäristöliitto have supported the implementation of the exhibition. 

The team: 

  • Jyrki Sinkkilä, Aapo Pihkala and Emilia Weckman, Department of Architecture/ Landscape Architecture Degree Programme at Aalto University  

  • Veera Tolvanen and Aapo Pihkala from the Finnish Association of Landscape Architects MARK  

  • Cleo Bade, graphic designer

  • Marja Rautaharju, Museum of Finnish Architecture  

  • Kati Saonegin, Aalto ARTS Books 


Lecturer [email protected] 

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