
Looking for work in Finland - introductions to best practice

Are you looking for work in Finland? We invite you to join our upcoming afternoon seminar "Looking for work in Finland - introductions to best practice" on 24 April, 2024.
Man and woman working together with laptop

Aalto University together with Daniel Valtakari from Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK) is giving an opportunity to discuss how and where to find jobs and how to successfully apply for them. Daniel will provide you with useful tips on how to improve your CV and cover letters, discusses successful ways of finding jobs in Finland and how to perform better in job interviews. The discussion will include an exchange of best practices.
This a continuation of the series of events we have had since 2018. The event has proved to be useful providing access to job interviews for some attendees and even leading to employment!
We welcome everybody working at Aalto University and all doctoral students of Aalto, regardless of whether you have an employment contract with Aalto or not. Especially if you have come from abroad and are looking for a job in Finland or you are just curious, then join us.
In case your family member is looking for a job, you may forward this event to him/her as well.
Time: 24 April, 2024, at 13:00-16:00
Place: Otaniemi Campus, Otakaari 3 , Health Technology House, F239a Auditorio
After the event Daniel can answer your additional questions.
Register here


For further information, please see Daniel's material Looking for a Work - CV, Cover letter and AI 

Daniel Valtakari, [email protected]
Senior adviser at TEK
Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK
HR Services (International Mobility)
[email protected]  
Aalto University

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