
Launch: 'Questions of Labour' publication

Welcome to the launch of Questions of Labour -publication on Thursday 2nd of December! The event will be held at Lymy, Pengerkatu 6, at 6 PM.
An image of unindentifiable forms in piles overlapped with a text which says: Zine Launch 02 / 12 / 2021 Pengerkatu 6 Helsinki"

Questions of Labour is a zine publication dealing with contemporary circumstances of labor in the field of arts and culture. It is composed of personal takes on wider economic and social conditions. The questions addressed in the publication touch upon the foundation of contemporary capitalist society from a critical perspective; neoliberalism and self-entrepreneurship, individualism, self-actualization and self-valuation, immaterial labor, the relationship between automation and the future of work as well as sleep and rest in relation to post-industrial society. Questions of Labour is based on a course held at the department of ARTS, Aalto University, in autumn 2020. The course Questions of Labor in the Expanded Field of Art was run by assistant professor Bassam El Baroni.

Within the prevailing circumstances dictated by the effects of COVID-19, the ambivalence of the field of art was heightened. Ironically, as a reflection of the very circumstances, the process of realizing this publication was decelerated and postponed several times – we had stepped into an era of rescheduling, in the vortex of multi-tasking and dispersed labor.

Accessibility info of the space cited from Lymy’s website:
“When entering Lymy through the front door, there are five steps leading downwards into the space. The front door is 79 cm wide. There are three steps up to the bathroom. The door to the bathroom is 64 cm wide. When passing the kitchen door there is a single three cm high step.”

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