
Intro to Scientific Computing 2 - 4 February 2022

Are you starting your doctoral studies and you are unsure about the computational resources available for you? You are working from remote, but would you like to have more resources for your data science tasks? Would you like to learn about High Performance Computing (HPC) in practice? Join our hands-on course for data science workflows with HPC.
Intro to Scientific Computing 2022
Intro to Scientific Computing and HPC 2-4/Feb

February 2022 / Intro to Scientific Computing and HPC

Part of Scientific Computing in Practice lecture series at Aalto University.

Audience: Everyone doing computational work, special focus for summer workers who are just starting.

About the course:  this is a three-day online course for researchers to get started with the available computational resources at Aalto, FGCI (Finnish Grid and Cloud Infrastructure, basically HPC, high-performance computing, at universities) and CSC (the Finnish national computing center). On the day one we start with basic concepts of scientific computing, and some intro to Linux command line for those who are not yet familiar with these tools.

On days two and three we cover one by one steps on how to get started on the local computational clusters: learning by doing with lots of examples and hands-on exercises.

By the end of the course you get the hints, ready solutions and copy/paste examples on how to find, run and monitor your applications, and manage your data. In addition to how to optimize your workflow in terms of filesystem traffic, memory usage etc.

The course is done in collaboration with CSC, University of Helsinki, Tampere University. Please read description and prerequisites here:

Time, date: 2,3,4.Feb, 11:55-16:00 (with breaks)

Place: online


Cost: Free

Course prerequisite requirements and other details: Please read the prerequisites at the course page

Additional course info at: scip -at-

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