
Guest talk: Tiffany Barnes "Envisioning the future of ethical and human-centered AI for learning"

Professor Tiffany Barnes from North Carolina State University is visiting Aalto as the opponent of Sami Sarsa. She will give a talk on ethical and human-centered AI for learning.
Guest talk

Envisioning the future of ethical and human-centered AI for learning

Tiffany Barnes
North Carolina State University

Abstract: Modern advances in AI have accelerated the need for us to envision what the digital transformation of education can and should entail. In this talk, I will review some of the latest research from my lab, including a new framework for considering the ethics of human-centered AI for learning, designs for teacher-AI partnering for leading integrated computing activities in K-12 classrooms, the continued importance of closing the loop in human-centered designs for learning software, and the need for personalized learning and behavior change solutions for lifelong learning and health.

Bio: Dr. Tiffany Barnes is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at North Carolina State University and Founding Co-Director of the STARS Computing Corps, a Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance funded by the USA National Science Foundation. She is a Distinguished Member of the Association of Computing Machines (ACM). Her internationally recognized research program has produced over 200 peer-reviewed publications focused on transforming education with AI-driven learning technologies and research on equity and broadening participation. Her current research ranges from investigations of intelligent tutoring systems and teacher professional development to foundational work on educational data mining, computational models of interactive problem-solving, and design of computational thinking curricula. Her personalized learning technologies and broadening participation programs have impacted thousands of K-20 students throughout the United States.

On Friday 26 April at noon in lecture hall T1 (CS building) Sami Sarsa will defend his doctoral thesis "Machine Learning Applications Supporting Large Scale Programming Education". More information about the thesis here.


Department of Computer Science

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Mahine Learning researchers working at Department of Computer Science in Aalto University
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