
Guest talk by game researcher and lecturer Tom Cole

Game researcher and lecturer Tom Cole from University of Greenwich will visit the Department of Computer Science
Guest talk

Research of mixed-affect and eudaimonic emotional experiences in games through grounded theory methodology

Abstract: Using my own research on mixed-affect and eudaimonic emotional experiences in games as a touch point, I will talk about Grounded Theory methodology and what it has to offer games research. I will highlight how it has great potential for opening up new frontiers in research, as well as bringing innovation and novel insights to established domains of knowledge.

Bio: Tom is Lecturer in Games Development at the University of Greenwich. His research is situated at the boundary of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Games Studies, and focuses on the broadening and deepening of emotional engagement in videogames, focusing on the concept of Eudaimonia and how it manifests in gameplay. He organises game jams, and until recently ran AdventureX - the Narrative Games Convention, an internationally recognised sell-out event for over 600 people. He's also a public speaker, and recently lectured on the topic of 'The History of Nintendo'. Tom was previously at Supermassive Games where he was a designer on the BAFTA award-winning horror game Until Dawn and artist on Killzone Shadow Fall.

Department of Computer Science

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