
Funding landscape for India collaboration - EU, Finland and India contexts

The webinar on Funding Landscape for India Collaboration – EU, Finland and India contexts was organized on Tuesday 15.2. 2022, 11.00-12.30 EET by FICORE ( Finnish Indian Consortia for Research and Education), a network involving 23 IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology) and 15 Finnish Higher Education Institutions. FICORE is coordinated by Aalto university. This webinar was the first in the FICORE – Spotlights! series.

The presentations from the webinar and a Registration Form to leave your contact details for getting invited to similar events can be seen at the bottom of this page.

Webinar on Funding for Collaboration with India

The outcomes of the webinar was providing,

•    info the RDI/Educational collaboration approach of Finland with India (highlights, current happenings)
•    a bird’s eye view of the funding possibilities for collaboration with India (EU and Finnish contexts)
•    a summary of funding schemes for international collaboration from the Indian bodies (India context) and         an introduction to the Department of Science and Technology (DST).

The webinar targeted,

Academics and Early stage researchers interested in collaboration with India/Finland. Staff from education, research and innovation services supporting preparation of funding proposals. The seminar will be open to colleagues from the Finnish and Indian partner higher education institutions.


FICORE Spotlights!

Webinar on Funding Landscape for India Collaboration –  EU, Finland and India contexts

15.2.2022, 11-12.30 EET/14.30-16.00 IST

Zoom Link for joining:

11.00 EET  Welcome

Kit Srinivasan, Coordinator , FICORE, Aalto University

11.05 EET  Finnish approach for collaboration with India – Highlights

Dr. Mika Tirronen, Counsellor of Education and Science, Embassy of  Finland, New Delhi

11.10 EET  Science & Technology Cooperation from India 

Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Scientist, Dept. of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology, India

  • STI Policy of India
  • Information about DST (Department of Science and Technology)
  • Indian Schemes for Overseas Researchers
    • VAJRA
    • GIAN
    • Ramanujan Fellowships
    • Ramalingaswamy Fellowships
    • National Post Doctoral Fellowships

11.30 EET  Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC)

Dr. Virendra Kumar Tewari, Director, IIT Kharagpur

11.40  EET  EU funding tools for India collaboration

Dr. Samrat Kumar, Country Coordinator, EURAXESS India - Researchers in   Motion

12.00  EET  Current programmes from Finland for India collaboration

- How Academy of Finland  supports India collaborations  (5 mins), Ulla Ellmén, Science Adviser (mobility), Academy of Finland 

- TFK mobility funding, EDUFI Fellowships and Erasmus+ opportunities (15  min), Sofia Lähdeniemi, Programme Manager and Mari Pohjola, Senior Programme Adviser, Finnish National Agency for  Education

12.20 EET  Sustainability of Indo-Finnish research collaborations with potential partners in India

Dr. Antti-Pekka Hyvärinen, Senior Research Scientist, Head of Unit: Atmospheric Composition, Finnish  Meteorological Institute (FMI)

12.30 EET  End of programme

(Q & A through chat)

Registration form for events in the future

Please leave your contact details in the Registration Form  if you wish to be invited for events and other activities organized by the FICORE (Finnish Indian Consortia for Research and Education) network on India-Finland collaboration themes.

Any personal data will be handled according to Aalto University's data protection policy stated in

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