
Defence of dissertation in the field of systems and operations research, MSc Alessandro Mancuso

Probabilistic decision models support the optimal design and operation of safety-critical systems

Title of the dissertation is "Risk-informed optimization of mitigation strategies in safety-critical systems"

The performance of industrial systems can be compromised due to multiple risks, caused by accidents and threats. Such risks may result in system failure, which leads to safety, financial and environmental consequences. For this reason, industrial organizations need to invest in the design and operations of their production systems in order to improve the reliability, availability, maintainability and safety of their systems.

This dissertation proposes an innovative framework to assess and select risk mitigation strategies in the design and operations of systems, based on the minimization of risks of the overall system. In this framework, the analysis of systemic risks integrates component-based analyses to manage the industrial system optimally while satisfying budget and technical constraints. The applicability of this framework is illustrated by re-examining case studies which have been previously analyzed in literature as well as by presenting new real-life case studies based on statistical data and expert judgement.

The methodological and computational results of the dissertation can be readily adapted to develop further applications in other areas of industrial activity.

Opponent: Professor Lesley Walls, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

Custos: Professor Ahti Salo, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Supervising professors: Professor Ahti Salo, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis and Professor Enrico Zio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Contact information: Alessandro Mancuso, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, [email protected]

The public defence will be organised via Zoom: Quick Guide: dissertation

The dissertation is publicly displayed as online display 10 days before the defence at:

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