
Defence of Dissertation in the field of Indoor Environment Technology, Emmanuelle Castagnoli, M.Sc. (Chemistry)

The title of the dissertation is “Novel detection methods and knowledge of indoor emissions from building materials, fungi, and cleaning agents”
Keltainen Aalto-kynä, kuvituskuva

The title of the dissertation: Novel detection methods and knowledge of indoor emissions from building materials, fungi, and cleaning agents

Remotely via Zoom:  Meeting ID: 611 2963 2137

Zoom guide:

Opponent: Prof. Marzenna R. Dudzinska, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

Custos: Assistant prof. Heidi Salonen, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering

Contact information of the doctoral candidate: Emmanuelle Castagnoli [email protected]

Link to electronic thesis:

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