
Defence of dissertation in the field of engineering physics, Petri Hirvonen, M.Sc.(Tech.)

Two-dimensional materials take it slow: phase field crystal models help in modeling the slow evolution of microstructures
Väitöstilaisuus, DI Petri Hirvonen

Petri Hirvonen, M.Sc.(Tech.), will defend the dissertation "Phase field crystal modeling of two-dimensional materials" at the Aalto University School of Science. In the dissertation, phase field crystal models were applied successfully to modeling of defected two-dimensional materials and the slow evolution of their microscopic structure. Such models and the other techniques developed in this work help deepen the understanding of the structure and properties of two-dimensional materials.

Opponent: Dr. Ben Goddard, The University of Edinburgh, UK

Custos: Professor Tapio Ala-Nissilä, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Applied Physics

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