Defence of dissertation in the field of engineering physics, Jorden Senior, MPhys
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Title of the dissertation is "Heat Transport in Superconducting Quantum Circuits".
In the dissertation, we present experiments looking at the interface between thermodynamics, dissipation, and heat management, with the superconducting circuits essential in many quantum technologies, such as quantum computers and sensors.
In particular, we demonstrate the fabrication and operation of a superconducting quantum bit, and measure how adding dissipation to a superconducting resonator changes the operational properties. We then combine two dissipative resonators with a superconducting qubit as the interface, to study thermodynamic transport in this hybrid quantum device, that is ubiquitous in modern quantum information studies.
Opponent: Associate Professor Jens Koch, Northwestern University, USA
Custos: Professor Jukka Pekola, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Applied Physics
Contact information: Jorden Senior, I.S.T. Austria, [email protected] , +358465652376
Electronic dissertationThe dissertation is publicly displayed 10 days before the defence at the noticeboard of the School of Science in Konemiehentie 2, Espoo.
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