
Defence of Dissertation in Finance, Mikael Paaso (MPhil)

The title of Mikael Paaso's dissertation is “Essays on Entrepreneurial Finance”.
Kuvituskuva väitöstapahtumaan, Aalto-kynä ja tutkimuspaperi

The doctoral dissertation of Mikael Paaso, MPhil,“Essays on Entrepreneurial Finance” will be publicly examined at the Aalto University School of Business on Thursday, 6 June 2019.

The public defense will be held at the Undergraduate Centre, D Auditorium, starting at 12 pm.

Opponent: Professor Kasper Meisner Nielsen (Copenhagen Business School)
Custos (Chairperson): Professor Sami Torstila (Aalto University School of Business)

Further information: 
Mikael Paaso
[email protected]

The dissertation will be available at by the defence.

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