
CS Special Seminar: Jordan Schoenherr "Operationalizing Trust in Human and Nonhuman Agents in Sociotechnical Systems:A Social Cognition Approach"

This talk is arranged at the Department of Computer Science.

Operationalizing Trust in Human and Nonhuman Agents in Sociotechnical Systems:A Social Cognition Approach

Jordan Schoenherr
Concordia University

Thursday, 7 April at 15:00
via Zoom: request the link by email [email protected]
Note! the link will be sent by email to CS staff.

Abstract: Professional organizations with the information and computer sciences have called for the adoption of norms such as ‘trust’, ‘transparency’, and ‘explainability’. Considerable work is required in operationalizing these values to implement them within the context of software development. Using evidence from my studies on the uncanny valley, algorithmic aversion, and risk perception in cybersecurity, this talk will demonstrate how the social cognitive approach can provide insight to inform design. Conjointly, these studies demonstrate how distrust in nonhuman agents can be overcome as well as the pitfalls in increase trust within these systems.

Bio: Dr. Jordan Richard Schoenherr is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology (Concordia University), an Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Psychology and a member of the Institute for Data Science (Carleton University). He is a former postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa's Skills and Simulation Centre (uOSSC) and a visiting scholar at the US Military Academy's (West Point) Army Cyber Institute. His primary areas of interest are learning and decision-making and metacognition with application in medical decision-making, organizational behaviour (incivility, insider threat, and knowledge management), and cyberpsychology (cybersecurity, disinformation, ethical AI, and XAI).

Department of Computer Science

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