
CS Research Day 2021

CS Research Day is an online networking event for computer science researchers and students. Everyone is welcome to join the seminar with interesting keynote presentations and panel discussion followed by the CS gallery.
Aalto CS Research Day

This year CS Research Day will be arranged online on Thursday 7 October. If you have ever wondered what all your colleagues are up to, this is your chance to find out! In addition to new research at CS department, we have an opportunity to learn from interesting research presentations by SPA and ComNet researchers.

The day starts at 14:00 with interesting keynote presentations followed by a panel discussion. After the seminar you can circle in CS gallery to know more about our research groups and service staff.

Join the seminar at Zoom (passcode 685415)

14:00-14:15 Opening
Professor Lauri Savioja
Head of Department of Computer Science
Research in Aalto Human-Computer Interaction and Security Engineering Lab
Associate Professor Janne Lindqvist
Department of Computer Science
14:15-14:25 Algorithms that Design Algorithms
Associate Professor Jukka Suomela
Department of Computer Science
14:25-14:35 Digital Inequalities as a Central Societal Challenge
Academy Research Fellow Johanna Ylipulli
Department of Computer Science
14:35-14:45 Privacy in Speech Technology
Associate Professor Tom Bäckström
Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics
14:45-14:55 Research in Aalto Wearable Systems Lab
Assistant Professor Yu Xiao
Department of Communications and Networking
14:55-15:00 Research in Practice: Research Support Services for CS
Staff Scientist Richard Darst
Department of Computer Science
15:00-15:05 Closing words
Professor Petri Vuorimaa
Vice Head of Department of Computer Science
15:05-15:45 Panel Discussion: What is it like to be a Computer Science researcher?

Chair: University Lecturer Sanna Suoranta

Panelists: Assistant Professor Jara Uitto, Postdoc Christian Guckelsberger, Doctoral Student Alexander Aushev, and Doctoral Student Maria Osmala

15:45-16:30 CS Gallery

CS gallery

The webpage will be published couple of days before the event so all participants can visit the presentations beforehand. The presenters have an opportunity to be in Zoom at 15:30-16:30 to tell more about their research and to answer questions. All individual Zoom links will be displayed in CS gallery by each presentation.


Registration is closed, please contact [email protected] if you wish to attend CS Research Day.

Looking forward to a lively event!

Check out the webpage of CS Research Day 2020

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