
CS Research Day 2019

CS Research Day is jointly organized by the Department of Computer Science and Department of Communications and Networking and the Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics. The point of the event is networking and getting to know what other computer science researchers are doing. Everyone is welcome!
Aalto CS Research Day

This year Thursday 3 October will be CS Research Day, jointly organized by the CS departmentComnet and SPA. If you have ever wondered what all your colleagues are up to, this is your chance to find out!

The day will start at 12:00 in lecture room T1 (CS building, Konemiehentie 2, Otaniemi) with interesting presentations followed by an informal get-together session where research groups present and discuss their activities.

We’d like to invite all researchers to present their poster or demo or to give a pitch talk. Students & postdocs are especially welcome. The procedure is simple: just register by following the above link, and we'll provide a stand for your poster/demo or a slot for your pitch talk.

The point of the CS Research Day is networking and getting to know what other CS researchers are doing. We hope to see as many of you as possible there! Looking forward to a lively event!

12:00-12:05 Opening
Professor Lauri Savioja
Head of Department of Computer Science
12:05-12:20 Fun with Science of Security and Human-Computer Interaction
Associate Professor Janne Lindqvist
Department of Computer Science
12:20-12:35 Can Technology Use Be Meaningful?
Assistant Professor Elisa Mekler
Department of Computer Science
12:35-12:50 Can Automatic Speech Recognition Enhance Human Communication?
Associate Professor Mikko Kurimo
Department of Signal Processing and Acoustic
12:50-13:05 How to Develop Usable, Accessible and Engaging Digital Health Services?
Research Fellow Sari Kujala
Department of Computer Science
13:05-13:10 Closing words
Professor Lauri Savioja
Head of Department of Computer Science
13:10-15:00 Coffee and snacks
Posters and demos
13:30-14:30 Pitch talks @ T4
15:00-18:00 FCAI Student Meetup in CS building library 

See the webpage of CS Research Day 2018.

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