
Building Technology Master's Thesis Seminar 5/2020

Featuring presentations of master's theses from the Master's Programme in Building Technology: Akhondzada Ali, Forss Jussi, Markkola Joel, Rengarajan Prabu, Riekkinen Viljami, Sikanen Ville, Roney James and Qvisén Jami
Väre construction_Photo Kalle Kataila

Presentations last 15 minutes each, with an additional 5 minutes reserved for questions. 

Place/Paikka: Microsoft Teams Conference ID:  ID: 339 105 298#

The order of presentations:

9:00-9:20 Markkola Joel (Prof. Peltokorpi Antti)

9:20-9:40 Rengarajan Prabu (Prof. Puttonen Jari)

9:40-10:00 Riekkinen Viljami (Prof. Puttonen Jari)

10:00-10:20 Sikanen Ville (Prof. Puttonen Jari)

Short break

10:30:10:50 Qvisén Jami (Prof. Lin Weiwei)

10:50-11:10 Akhondzada Ali (Prof. Punkki Jouni)

11:10-11:30Roney James (Prof. Punkki Jouni)

11:30-11:50 Forss Jussi (Prof. Punkki Jouni)

Presentations in the alphabetical order

Author: Akhondzada, Ali

Title: Ladle furnace slag as a binder for floor screeds

Supervisor: Prof. Punkki Jouni  

Supervisors: Assoc. prof. Kinnunen Päivö, and Ph.D. Nguyen Hoang, University of Oulu

Author: Forss, Jussi

Title:  Digital manufacturing of concrete moulds

Supervisor and Instructor: Prof. Punkki Jouni

Diplomityön tekijä: Markkola, Joel

Aihe: Tehtäväkohtaisen laadunhallinnan toimivuus rakentamisessa

Valvoja: Prof. Peltokorpi Antti  

Ohjaaja: Valpola Timo, NCC

Author: Qvisén, Jami

Title: Standardized bridge weigh-in-motion data and its applications in bridge engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Lin Weiwei

Instructors: M.Sc. Lilja Heikki, Väylä; M.Sc. Jussila Antti, Sweco

Author:  Rengarajan, Prabu

Title:  Moment Resisting Frame as a load-bearing structural system of a multi-story car park

Supervisor:  Prof. Puttonen Jari  

Instructors:   M.Sc. Sivill Arto, Sweco

Author:  Riekkinen, Viljami

Title:  Effect of room temperature differences on safety-related reinforced concrete floors and walls in the reactor building of Olkiluoto 2 nuclear power plant

Supervisor: Prof. Puttonen Jari

Instructor: M.Sc. Jauhiainen Jyrki, Sweco

Author: Roney, James

Title: Non-rectangular Concrete Beams Produced from Bent Planar Molds

Supervisor and Instructor: Prof. Punkki Jouni

Diplomityön tekijä: Sikanen, Ville

Aihe: Teräsbetonisen ulokkeellisen laattatiesillan algoritmiavusteinen suunnittelu

Valvoja: Prof. Puttonen Jari

Ohjaajat: DI Horttanainen Jukka, Vahanen Suunnittelupalvelut Oy; DI Nykänen Simo, Väylävirasto

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