
Articulated landscapes: Sustainable future cities between architecture and landscape

Globally, more people live in urban areas than in rural areas as our planet has gone through rapid urbanization in recent decades. Such tendency can be observed in Finland, too. This requires a rethinking of the design of our future cities in order to formulate sustainable solutions.
Articulated Landscapes

By viewing the city not anymore as a collection of independent attractive objects but rather as a systemic network of relationships, we can develop new approaches to our future challenges related to urbanisation.  

The new approach aims at improved resilience of our urban environments and the activation of cities as active modulator of environmental conditions. 

The design solutions propose new ways to engage with the surrounding urban and green systems and transform these concepts into an articulated landscape as new urban typology grounded in social and environmental sustainability. 

The projects display solutions for climate change, environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity and exhaustion of natural resources, in close cooperation with our surroundings.

The exhibition is part of a long-term collaboration Aalto University and Singapore University of Technology (SUTD) and is part of the Asia Programme by the Finnish National Agency for Education

The team: 

  • Professor Pia Fricker, Professor Toni Kotnik, Luka Piskoreč, Kane Borg and Tina Cerpnjak, Department of Architecture at Aalto University 

  • Professor Carlos Bañón, Singapore University of Technology and Design 


[email protected], [email protected]

Due to the COVID-19 exhibitions at the Learning Center are open only for the aalto students and staff.


    Articulated landscapes Exhibition 2020
    Articulated landscapes Exhibition 2020
    Articulated landscapes Exhibition 2020
    Articulated landscapes Exhibition 2020
    Articulated landscapes Exhibition 2020

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