
Aalto University Civil Engineering Day 2020

Civil Engineering Day is the annual stakeholder seminar of the Department of Civil Engineering. This time the theme of the seminar is the role of research in civil engineering. The seminar includes also Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Fund award ceremony.
Dipoli_kuva Tuomas Uusheimo

Civil Engineering Day is the annual stakeholder seminar of the Aalto University, Department of Civil Engineering. This time the theme of the seminar is the role of research in civil engineering. We want to discuss what kind of research is needed in civil engineering and also how companies could boost and create new business with the help of research.

There will be top level speakers from companies to tell about the role of research in different sub-fields of civil engineering. The seminar also includes distribution of the grants of Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Fund.


13:00 Opening words (Jari Puttonen, Head of the Department)

13:05  Presentation of Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Fund (Professor Emeritus Aarne Jutila) and Award ceremony (Grant committee: Aarne Jutila, Jari Puttonen and Lauri Salokangas). Speech of a scholar.

13:35 Overview of research in Aalto University, Department of Civil Engineering (Research Group leaders Professor Günther Filz and Professor Jussi Leveinen)

14:05 Coffee break, exhibitions

14:40  Guest speakers from companies - Role of research in civil engineering & financing possibilities for research

                          Jussi Aho, Fira Oy

                          Jyrki Keinänen, A-Insinöörit Oy

                          Ville Alajoki, City of Helsinki

                          Mika Lautanala, Business Finland

15:40-16:15  Needs of research in civil engineering in future - Panel discussion

16:15-17:00 Networking with snacks, Poster exhibition, Concrete exhibition, Zero Gravity video presentation


Professor Jari Puttonen, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering

Professor Günther Filz, Building design and construction (rakennussuunnittelu ja rakentaminen)

Professor Jussi Leveinen,  Mineral-based materials and minerals (mineraalipohjaiset materiaalit ja mekaniikka)

Registration by 27th January 2020

More information:

Department secretary Elsa Nissinen-Narbro, first name.last name(@)

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