
Aalto Symposium on New Functional Materials

This two-day symposium celebrates the birthday and contributions of Aalto Distinguished Professor Maarit Karppinen and features talks from her collaborators and colleagues from all over the world.
Aalto University Undergraduate Building Y Block
Maarit Karppinen

Everyone at Aalto University is welcomed to register and participate in this Symposium honoring Aalto Distinguished Professor Maarit Karppinen. Topics include functional inorganic materials, such as thermoelectrics, lithium-ion batteries, and magnetic and luminescent materials.

The conference main page is found here.

Please visit this page to view the complete programme.

Organizing committee

Antti Karttunen (Contact person)
Jari Koskinen
Eeva-Leena Rautama
Annika Tuomola

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