Aalto Media Lab Spring Demo Day 2020
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Aalto Media Lab Spring Demo Day 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
New website & livestream here: aaltomedialab.fi/demoday/2020
This spring Aalto Media Lab presents Demo Day Online! The event demonstrates Media Lab's work to everyone; each other, people from other departments and schools, companies, partners and prospective partners.
14:00 | Welcome
14:15–15:15 | Presentations
15:30–17:00 | Explore the Projects
What is the Aalto Media Lab Demo Day?
Already in the late 1990s we adopted the slogan, ‘hands on with minds on’ to explain our work. We also adopted the ‘demo or die’ attitude of other Media Labs and formalised this into bi-annual Demo Days, organised at the end of each term. Our Demo Days have become regular events at which we demonstrate our work to each other and the ‘outside world’, people from other departments and schools, companies, partners and prospective partners. Demo Days are also a chance to have fun together before the onset of the vacations.
Welcome to join us through the livestream!