
A Grid Open and Aalto Startup Center Demo Day

A Grid Open is an open house event for anyone who wants to network with A Grid’s entrepreneurs and the ecosystem. Feel the entrepreneurial spirit and mindset to co-create, innovate, and change the world! The event is organized by Aalto University Startup Center and A Grid.
A Grid Open Keynote speaker Frank Martela

Welcome to the first A Grid Open of the year! A Grid Open is an open house event for anyone who wants to network with A Grid’s entrepreneurs and the ecosystem. Feel the entrepreneurial spirit and mindset to co-create, innovate, and change the world! Invite your colleagues and stakeholders to our inspiring networking event. The event is organized by  Aalto University Startup Center and A Grid. 

Mordor & Lobby
11:00 Networking lunch + music by quartet from The Polytech Orchestra
11:45 Open mic for A Grid Startups
12:15 Keynote Frank Martela

Aalto Startup Center
13:00–17:00 Demo Day • meet startups and research to business cases

More info

Keynote speaker Frank Martela

Frank Martela

FRANK MARTELA PhD, is a philosopher and researcher of psychology specialized in meaningfulness, human motivation and how organizations and institutions can unleash human potential. His is a quest to understand what to do, value, and aim for in this unfolding experience called human life. He aims to investigate the fundamentals of happiness, meaningfulness, human basic needs, and good life to deliver insights that can help each of us to live a slightly better and more self-chosen life.

Frank is an Assistant Professor at Aalto University, Finland, and has two Ph.D.’s from organizational research (2012 Aalto University) and practical philosophy (2019 University of Helsinki). His scientific publications have appeared in journals ranging from Perspectives on Psychological Science, Journal of Personality, Nature Human Behaviour, and European Review of Social Psychology to Southern Journal of Philosophy, Metaphilosophy, Academy of Management Review, and Organization Studies.

Frank has become an internationally recognised expert on the topics of meaning and happiness, having spoken at universities on five continents including Harvard and Stanford, having written for Scientific American Mind, CNBC, and Harvard Business Review, and been interviewed by New York Times, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, New ScientistDiscover Magazine, and Fox News among other. His book A Wonderful Life – Insights on Finding a Meaningful Experience (HarperCollins 2020) has been translated to 29 languages including French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean, and Indonesian.

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