
0,1,…,N: Exploring superconductor-semiconductor hybrids by adding Josephson junctions

Aalto Quantum Physics Seminars (Hybrid). Prof. Andrew Higginbotham (University of York)

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This talk will highlight new opportunities for exploring superconductor-semiconductor hybrid systems, enabled by the revolutionary measurement capabilities of engineered superconducting circuits. Resonant circuits can probe the fragile superconductor-semiconductor interface [1], revealing behavior that is invisible to conventional probes. A single Josephson junction can be added to realize a semiconductor-based amplifier operating near quantum limits [2]. Scaling up to junction arrays, I will present our most recent results on electrodynamics and radiometry of the anomalous metal.


[1] D. Phan, J. Senior, A. Ghazaryan, M. Hatefipour, W.M. Strickland, J. Shabani, M. Serbyn, and A. P. Higginbotham. Detecting Induced p±ip Pairing at the Al-InAs Interface with a Quantum Microwave Circuit. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 107701 (2022). 

[2] D. Phan, P. Falthansl-Scheinecker, U. Mishra, W.M. Strickland, D. Langone, J. Shabani, A.P. Higginbotham.Semiconductor quantum-limited amplifier. arXiv:2206.05746 (2022).

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