Department of Management Studies

Smart Energy Transition

The Smart Energy Transition project (SET) has examined the impact that the global energy transition is having on Finland.
Students working with solar panels research
Photo by Unto Rautio/Aalto
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The Smart Energy Transition project (SET) has examined the impact that the global energy transition is having on Finland. The project began in 2015 and it concluded in 2021. The starting point for the SET project was that the ongoing energy transition will inevitably affect Finland, as the fight against climate change will require fundamental changes in the energy system. These changes emerge both in new ways of producing and consuming energy, as well as new business models, export opportunities, and ways of living and moving.

A total of 10 different partner organisations and more than 40 researchers and experts from different sectors of the energy transition took part in the project, producing more than 70 peer-reviewed publications. In the early years, Professor Raimo Lovio served as the Consortium Leader, and in its last years, the project was headed by Professor of Practice Armi Temmes. Both Lovio and Temmes worked at the Department of Management Studies at the School of Business. Funding for the multidisciplinary project came from the Strategic Research Council (SRC), which operates in connection with the Academy of Finland.

For more information:

All academic publications:

SET impact report (in Finnish):

SET publications on Aaltodoc: 

Happonen, J. 2020. Energiapioneerien After Work -tapahtumat kunnissa: loppuraportti. SET-raportti.Saatavissa:

Järvenreuna V. & Kivimaa P. 2021. Teollisuuspolitiikka ja disruptiivinen murros energiajärjestelmässä – Näkökulmia Tanskan, Saksan ja Iso-Britannian energiamurroksista. SET-raportti. Saatavissa:

Kivimaa P., Järvenreuna V., Hildén M. & Temmes A. 2021. Analyysi: Julkishallinnolla on tärkeä rooli kestävyysmurrosten kehittymisessä - Oppia MaaS-liikennepalveluiden alkuvaiheista. SET-työpaperi.Saatavissa:

Lovio, R. & Tuomi, T. 2018. Akkujen merkitys kasvaa: milloin, miten ja millä edellytyksillä? – suomalaisten toimijoiden näkemyksiä vuoden 2018 alussa. Available:

Lovio, R. 2016. Yrittäjien moninainen toiminta eri areenoilla uuden toimialan synnyttämiseksi: Aurinkosähköliiketoiminnan läpimurto Suomessa 2009-2016. Saatavissa:

Ohrling T., Heiskanen E. & Matschoss K. 2021. Energiamurros ja osaaminen – Tarkastelu energiamurroksen avainalojen ammatillisista osaamis- ja koulutustarpeista. SET-raportti. Saatavissa:

Ohrling T., Temmes A. & Lovio R. 2020. Sähköistyvä lämmitys – Lämmityksen sähkönkulutus ja lämpöpumput. SET-raportti. Saatavissa:

Rinne S., Auvinen K., Reda F., Ruggiero S. & Temmes A. 2019. Clean district heating – how can it work?SET Working papers. Available:

Ruggiero S., Kangas H-L., Annala S. & Ohrling T. 2020. ‘Life after Nokia?’ Business model innovation and niche upscaling in the emerging Finnish demand response industry.Available:

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