Department of Management Studies

HQ Location Research Project: Publications

Several academic papers, media articles, and theses related to Headquarters Location Research Project have been published since 2019. A full list of links to these resources can be found on this page.
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Media article:

A recent (24.09.2020) Talouselämä article, featuring one of our researchers Iiris Saittakari, on how OnePlus decided to move its Nordic headquarters to Finland.

Can be read on Talouselämä website (Finnish)

on Helsinki Business Hub website (English)

or in PDF available via this link (Finnish)

Thesis: Where do international firms locate their headquarters? (Matilda Saarinen)

Master's thesis:

A master's thesis entitled "Where do international firms locate their headquarters? An empirical study of headquarters’ cross-border relocations in Europe" (2020) by Matilda Saarinen, Aalto University, Degree programme in Economics.

Available in PDF from Aalto Learning Center

Headquarters Location Research Project
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