Department of Finance

Salla Pöyry

Professor of Practice in Finance
Salla Pöyry, Professor of Practice

Room: School of Business building, 3rd floor

Office hour: By appointment
Email: [email protected]

Research Interests

Corporate governance and financial decision making, financial market frictions and imperfections


Refereed Articles

"Credit ratings and information asymmetry on the Chinese syndicated loan market", Korkeamäki, T., S. Pöyry, and M. Suo, China Economic Review (2014), vol 31, 1-16, 2014

"Firm Expansion and Stock Price Momentum", Nyberg, P. and S. Pöyry, Review of Finance 18 (4), 1465-1505, 2014

"Influential ownership and capital structure", Pöyry, S. and B. Maury, Managerial and Decision Economics 31, 311-32, 2010


“Nordic Corporate Governance: An in-depth study of corporate governance and board practices in 36 large companies”, Sjöstrand S.‐E., Berglund T., Grönberg L., Kallifatides M., Poulfelt F. and Pöyry S., Publisher: Stockholm School of Economics Instutute for Research (SES Press), 2016

Professional Experience

Managing Director 2010 - 2021 and Chair of the Board of Directors of Procurator Oy. A family-owned investment company with an investment strategy that focuses on both listed and private assets

Financial analyst 2008 - 2010 at Vicus Capital Advisors. A company specialised in strategic advisory and real estate investment and development

Financial analyst 2005 at Stora Enso Plc

Selected Positions of Trust

Board member (2016 - 2024) in Aspo Plc, member of Audit Committee 2016 - 2020, Renumeration and Human Resources Committee 2020 -

Board member (2019 - 2022) in AFRY Plc following merger between ÅF and Pöyry Plc

Board member in Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion (Tekniikan edistämissäätiö, 2009 -)

Member and Chair of Investment Committee of Combined Asset Management of Technological Foundations and Funds (TSR yhteistyö, member 2016 - 2023, Chair 2020 - 2023)

Board member (2003-) in Procurator Oy, Jaakko Pöyry Holding Oy

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