Department of Finance

Rohit Sonika

Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance
Rohit Sonika, photo by Lasse Lecklin

Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance

Room: G-207 (Chydenia 2nd floor)
Office hours: By appointment

Email: [email protected]



Sonika, R., Carline, N. F. and Shackleton, M. B. (2014), The Option and Decision to Repurchase Stock. Financial Management, 43: 833–855. doi:10.1111/fima.12054

Working papers

Sonika, R. and Shackleton, M. B., Buyback Behaviour and the Option Funding Hypothesis

Sonika, R. and Kulchania, M., Buyback Motives and the Frequency of Share Repurchase Transactions in the United Kingdom

Work in progress

Trade Complementarity: Firm Repurchases and Director Trades

It’s all in the Family: Director Trades and Related Party Transactions

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